Reiki Master Teacher Course

Become a Reiki Master to spread Universal Energy & bring transformation in the lives of people.

Advanced 0(0 Ratings) 6 Students enrolled
Created by Riu Aritri Last updated Tue, 04-Apr-2023 English
What will i learn?
  • Become a Reiki Master Teacher

Curriculum for this course
41 Lessons 247:50:29 Hours
3 Lessons 00:25:00 Hours
  • "AUM" Dhwani 00:25:00
  • Reiki Mastership Workbook
  • Reiki Mastership Manual (Teacher's Guidebook)
  • Anthakarna Symbol
  • Reiki Master Student Enrolment and Progress Spreadsheet
  • The Money Map
  • Reiki Approval
  • FAQs
  • Expert Avatar Spreadsheet
  • How to Start a Reiki Practice
  • Reiki Session by Melody on Dmitri 26:00:00
  • Reiki Session with Suz Webster 01:00:00
  • Reiki Treatment Session 13:00:00
  • Setting Clinic By William Rand
  • Treatment Guide for self and others
  • Om Dhwani - Meenu Purushottum 00:28:50
  • Om Mani Padme Hum 00:24:01
  • Krishna Flute 01:00:00
  • Magnificent I 00:27:35
  • Divine Planning 00:35:00
  • Self Healing Meditation 00:30:03
  • Pure Reiki Healing - Level 3 00:00:00
  • Pure Reiki Healing Level 1 01:00:00
  • Pure Reiki Healing Level 2 01:00:00
  • Reiki Level 1 Manual
  • Reiki Level 2 Manual
  • Reiki Level 3 Manual
  • A Reiki 1st, Aura and Chakra Attunement Performed 33:00:00
  • Hui Yin Point 06:00:00
  • Reiki Level 1 Attunement 36:00:00
  • Reiki Level 2 Attunement 21:00:00
  • Reiki Level 3 Attunement 19:00:00
  • Tibetan Reiki attunement - The Violet Breath 57:00:00
  • Reiki Master Teacher Course Details 03:00:00
  • Antahkarana Symbol 03:00:00
  • Master Level Symbols 02:00:00
  • Hui Yin & Violet Breath 05:00:00
  • Attunement Process 11:00:00
  • Healing Sounds 03:00:00
  • Shankha Mudra 03:00:00
  • Code of Conduct
  • Reiki Level 1,2, 3
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  • Learn the techniques of giving Reiki Level 1, 2, or 3 Attunements in person or from the Distance.
  • Learn to give healing attunement to a patient.
  • You will be able to take proper Reiki classes from Reiki Level 1 to Level 3.
  • You will practice some higher techniques of healing to gain more power of a Reiki Master.
  • You will also do some higher levels of meditation to gain access to prosperity consciousness. 
  • You will be more confident than before in terms of your healing capabilities.
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About the instructor
  • 73 Reviews
  • 134 Students
  • 17 Courses
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Aritri Sarkar, Reiki Grandmaster, Tarot Reader, Author, Blogger, Energy Healer, Yoga Instructor (MPhil, Med)

Aritri is an artistic, Soulful, Reiki Grand Master, Tarot Card Reader, Healer, Spiritual Seeker, Author, Motivator, Blogger, and Yoga Teacher. She is the founder of Rediscovering Inner Universe (RIU) a platform that offers to live a holistic lifestyle through natural healing, mediation & mind power. She loves to read & write. She published books on Holistic Lifestyle & Mindful Coloring Meditation. Her mission is to bring dynamic transformation to people’s lives.

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Buy now
  • 247:50:29 Hours On demand videos
  • 41 Lessons
  • Access on mobile and tv
  • Full lifetime access